Total Solution for Metal and Ceramic Parts Mecetech Co., Ltd.

Company Introduction

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January 12th
Establishment of Mecetech(Business establishment location_Bundang Techno Park C-dong 610)
May 29th
Receiving PIM parts mass production equipment at Gwangju TP Biomedical Materials Parts Center
July 17th
Completed moving into Gwangju TP Biomedical Materials and Parts Center No. 208
July 25th
The change of the corporation from an individual business operator to a corporate business operator (Mecetech Co., Ltd.) has been completed
May 31st
Establishment of a research institute affiliated with a company (Confirmation Number _ No. 2018112841)
January 15th
Issuance of a confirmation letter for a company specializing in materials and parts (No. _ No. 18866)
March 5th
Issuance of Root Enterprise Confirmation (issue number _ 19115 – 06139)
May 3rd
Venture Business Confirmation (Recognition Number _ No. 20190104459)
May 8th
Certificate of Standards for Manufacturing and Quality Control of Medical Devices (Certification No. _ KCL-AAB-5395)
May 30th
Selection of Frontier Venture Company (KOTEC, No. 0128)
July 8th
Selection of promising growth companies in Gwangju and Jeollanam-do (KICOX)
October 18th
ISO9001 and ISO14001 certification (KEFCR)
October 31st
Participated in the 2019 Advanced Materials Parts Root Industry Technology Exhibition (Ilsan KINTEX)
November 22nd
2019 Gwangju MediHealth Industry Exhibition (Kim Dae-Jung Convention Center) Development/production of dental, industrial, semiconductor, and cosmetic components is in progress
~ Development/production of dental, industrial, semiconductor, and cosmetic components is underway